ISO21001 Implementation
The New Australian Standards for Educational Organisations
We are the market leaders in the implementation of Australia's newest Standards for Educational Organisations AS ISO21001. Our full-service offering includes the creation of ISO21001 aligned documents, implementation within the educational organisation and on-going support. We embed operational processes with compliant industry best practices.
What is ISO21001?
ISO21001 Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use are the international standards for educational organisations used in 68 countries.
By adopting industry best practices, organisationas demonstrate to the market their committment to raising the quality and excellence of education. The increased level of quality assurance within an organisation enables the constant maintenance of on-going compliance requirements.
To preview ISO21001 Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use, click here.
How we work
The process to adopting ISO21001 into your organisation comes in three steps.
Step One- Analysis
We conduct an analysis of the organisational processes for your RTO. For every process we will identify:
who is involved;
how they are involved; and
the documents used.
Through this analysis we will identify the bottlenecks and gaps in each of the the organisation's process. These processes will be reviewed and amended as we begin to create an ISO21001 aligned Policy and Procedure Manual. In meeting the ISO21001 requirements, you will be compliant with any legislation and standards applicable to running your RTO including Standards for RTOs 2015, ESOS Act, National Code, ELICOS Standards and more.
Step Two- Implementation
Once the Policy and Procedure Manual has be created, we implement it across the organisation. We ensure the implementation process is seamless by engaging all staff at all levels with the implementation and through on-going training and support to all staff.
Step Three- Certification
Once the Policy and Procedure Manual has been implemented we assist organisations in gaining AS ISO21001 certification. We do not provide certification, but will work with you through the process. We provide on-going support and conduct monthly internal audits to ensure the processes of the organisation are ISO21001 aligned.
Our pricing plan is fully customisable and specific to each organisation. For more information, please contact us.